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A: You have several options to do this. If the files are all on the same server, you can edit your htaccess file to instruct Apache to redirect the users when they hit the file to another file with a different name and host in the URL. You can create a fake-file with the extension.htm and put a file called “index.htm” in it, then you can redirect the user to another file with the correct extension. Otherwise, you can write a script to parse the URL and redirect them. A: It’s trivial to get the file list of a directory via PHP’s glob function. $files = glob(“some/folder/*.*”); Then you can spit out the headers using PHP’s header() function. $fp = fopen($dir, ‘r’); if ($fp) { while (!feof($fp)) { $line = fgets($fp); if (stripos($line,’some/folder/’)!== false) { // do stuff } } fclose($fp); } else { exit(“Could not open file.”); } If you want to be fancy, you can use this list of files to make an array of directorys that you download to the user, and then have a file list of the directorys you created that you download to the user. Edit: This is a slight abuse of glob, but you can also use it for other things like this: $files = glob(“/directory/*/subdirectory/*.*”);

